A Day in Charleston

Hi friends!

Brian and I made it to South Carolina! We flew from Denver to Charleston, somehow on a direct flight, last Friday night. And.. are you ready for it? The entire city was sold out of rental cars for the whole weekend. This news was definitely unexpected but we learned a very valuable lesson about booking a rental more than 48 hours before your trip. Thankfully, my Nana volunteered to pick us up so we didn’t have to bribe a Lyft driver to take us on the two-hour drive from Charleston to Fripp Island. The huge silver lining is that we stayed overnight in Charleston and spent Saturday exploring. 

I had only been to Charleston once before, also on a day trip, and Brian hadn’t visited since he was a kid, so it was new for both of us. We took a taxi from the airport for $15 to the Springhill Suites nearby, rather than stay downtown. It was way less expensive and made for a very quick trip from the airport. (By the way, the Charleston airport is NICE. Seriously, for a tiny airport, it was clean and gorgeous.)

Saturday morning we went into the city and both immediately remarked how much it reminded us of New Orleans. The older buildings, very few high rises, and brick streets were all reminiscent. We walked down King Street, one of the busier streets in the city, with lots of shops and restaurants. We looked at a few restaurants for lunch, but most had a very long wait, so I would recommend a reservation if you’re planning to go to Charleston any time soon.

The buildings are gorgeous. Colorful, pastel, old-timey feeling… And everyone seemed to be walking around with an iced coffee- my kind of place. We visited Rainbow Row, the famous row of brightly colored homes, and then headed for lunch. 

I found an adorable French cafe on Google Maps that was a 15-minute walk from Rainbow Row. We totally lucked out. The staff was so nice, the food was delicious and quick, and there was a ton of outdoor seating with no wait. I would highly recommend it: Cafe Framboise. Brian and I split the Croque Monsieur and an egg sandwich. I also grabbed an iced coffee on the way out. Everything was good and the atmosphere on the patio was perfect. They also had a variety of wine and beer.

Rainbow Row

The cafe was also right on the tour route for the horse-drawn carriages- and experience I also recommend. We didn’t have time for it on this trip, but the first time I came to Charleston, it was the first thing I did. It was a great way to learn about the history of the city and where things are before walking around on your own.

We are now safe and sound on Fripp Island! I’ve been working remotely from here for the last few days and it’s been amazing so far. It’s so funny how being on this tiny island forces you to slow down in the best way. Every day, we’ve been going for walks in the morning, golf cart drives at lunch, and trips to the pool or beach in the evenings. I definitely needed a change of pace, and this has been perfect. 

I hope you all are having a relaxing week and enjoying some spring weather wherever you are! We’ll be on Fripp for the next two weeks, so if you want to see what we’re up to, check out my Instagram and Tik Tok. If you’re interested in what there is to do on Fripp Island, I made an entire guide about it! Check out my post here


Life Update: Screenwriting Class, Living in Denver, and Heading to the Beach!