
See examples of my work below.

Megan Kitzmiller Megan Kitzmiller


Copy Writing Sample: Product Descriptions

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Let’s Chat.

Let me be your resident copy nerd. Seriously.

Whether you need weekly blog posts to keep your audience coming back or product descriptions that help your products shine - I’m your girl.

I write copy and content that works hard, so that you can spend your time working on the things you love.

Email: megan@megankitzmiller.com


“Megan was amazing to work with! We had our first meeting about my website’s copy via zoom and she came super prepared, which I appreciated. Soon after, I filled out a questionnaire and she reviewed my website’s current copy to create a beautifully crafted Home page & About Me page. It was personalized to encompass everything I shared in the questionnaire while also flowing perfectly to compliment my business’ style/voice/energy. I couldn’t be happier! Thank you so much, Megan!”

— Rachel, Founder of Upper Call Ceramics