My Spring 2021 Reading List

Pretty much since I got a smart phone I have forgotten how much I LOVE to read. Getting lost in novels, meeting characters, and looking forward to getting back to a book is such a special feeling. I feel like most of us can relate to that. I’ve found a few things that have helped me fall completely back in love with reading that I wanted to share with you as well as a list of the books I’m planning to read (well, listen to in most cases) this Spring. 

I can hardly begin this blog post without talking about AUDIBLE. It is without a doubt my most used app by far. With your membership, you get one audio book credit per month and can pay for additional books. There are also a ton of free books on the app. I listen to it on walks, doing chores around the house, and recently… while I’ve been doing puzzles. I’m probably a year late to this quarantine trend, but I’m addicted. I’ve been listening to my audio book and doing puzzles every night before bed and it’s been a great way for me to “unplug” and not scroll social media, do something with my hands, and relax my mind. I seriously can’t recommend it enough. Here and here are links to the two puzzles I’ve finished so far! Definitely let me know on Instagram if you start doing them while you listen to your books so we can do it together!

I have also joined Book of the Month Club. I realized after moving to Denver that my book collection is pretty sparse. I just never bothered to collect books in college, and in truth, I just didn’t read much for fun. BOTM Club lets you skip whenever you want, and for $15/month you can choose a book (out of their top new book picks) and have it shipped to you. It’s been a really fun way to look forward to reading new books and build my collection pretty quickly. I still do most of my “reading” through Audible, but now whenever I feel like pulling out a physical book, I have a bunch of options. 

Here are the books I’m excited to read this Spring:

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling - No surprise here, I’m aware. Every few years (or any time I’m on a road trip) I re-listen to the Harry Potter books and restarted them again around Thanksgiving last year. I’m on the home stretch! It’s so bittersweet, but I’m excited for the last book. The narrator, Jim Dale, is incredible in the series and does it so much justice- British accent, character voices and all.

2. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey - As a big fan of Matthew McConaughey (because duh?) and someone interested in the Entertainment industry, I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while. He narrates it himself on Audible, and the book is made up of stories and lessons from his life. I’m excited to listen to him read it. 

3. Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu - This one was recommended to me by my dad, and I’ve had it in my queue on Audible for as soon as I finish the Harry Potter series. Tiffany’s book is a memoir full of stories on how she learned to let go and shrink her to-do list, which as a perfectionist with many very long lists, is much appreciated. As a feminist and advocate for gender equality in the workplace, she provides advice and her perspective on issues women face at work. She is also the narrator. I love when memoirs are read by the author because I think you can get so much more meaning from their inflection and storytelling knowing they were the ones who experienced it all.

4. The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner - My March pick from Book of the Month and the physical book I want to make sure to read this Spring. Here is a quick synopsis from Good Reads

A female apothecary secretly dispenses poisons to liberate women from the men who have wronged them—setting three lives across centuries on a dangerous collision course.

Rule #1: The poison must never be used to harm another woman.

Rule #2: The names of the murderer and her victim must be recorded in the apothecary’s register.

There you have it, the books on my reading list this Spring! I try to always keep a list of books to read next so I would LOVE to know if you guys have read (or listened to) any great books recently.


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