My Favorite Podcasts

Woowww if you know me you know my love for podcasts is REAL. I annoy myself with how often I hear “I heard on a podcast today..” come out of my own mouth.

As a naturally anxious person, putting a podcast on in the background of my mental hum can actually be really calming. It’s distracting, but also educational and entertaining. Especially these days when human interaction can be hard to come by. 

Not to mention, I’m a complete entertainment industry and pop culture nerd, so you’ll notice a theme in this list. 

In no particular order, here is an ever evolving list of my favorites, divided up by the *typical* purpose I have for listening to them.

Educational & Inspiring:

  1. Armchair Expert- This one falls out of my mouth the most BY FAR. Don’t even bring it up to me or I won’t stop talking about it. If you’re unaware, this is Dax Shephard and Monica Padman’s podcast where they interview celebrities and experts on a weekly basis and have deep chats about life. 

  2. How I Built This- There are few things I love more than learning about people who chased their dreams through risk and hardship, so hearing new stories about entrepreneurs each week is the coolest.

  3. Passages- I might be biased since this was started by Chloe Belangia, a friend of mine, but this is the BEST resource for young professionals. Entering the professional world is a scary, exciting process that comes with no rule book. But this is pretty close. 

  4. The Daily- A daily news recap told in an entertaining way that makes you want to talk to others about what’s going on in the world as if it was your favorite TV show. 

  5. Off Camera with Sam Jones- For any aspiring actors or anyone interested in the Entertainment/Film industry this is a must. Sam interviews various actors and actresses about their careers, techniques, and journeys to get where they are today.

  6. Houston We Have a Podcast- Calling all Space Nerds. This is the official podcast of the NASA Johnson Space Center. Enough said.

  7. Work Life with Adam Grant- If you are a lover of Adam Grant, psychology, or learning about how to make work not suck (that’s his actual tagline), listen. It’s also in partnership with TED, so you know it’ll be good.


  1. Scrubbing In w/ Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad- If I ever confused podcast hosts with friends, it would be these two. Tanya Rad, a host of Ryan Seacrest’s morning radio show, and Becca Tilley, ex Bachelor contestant, are best friends that talk about Grey’s Anatomy and their personal lives. It’s a lot of fun.

  2. The Ben & Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast- If you need a weekly Bachelor recap podcast, look no further. 

  3. What We Said- This is a new addition to my rotation and I’m loving it. Jaci and Chelsea are hilarious and talk about health, business, creativity, and their personal lives. They also do “storytime” episodes where they read anonymous story submissions that match the theme of that episode (i.e. Plastic Surgery, Scary Stories, Celebrity Encounters, etc.)

  4. The Hamilcast- The Official Podcast of Hamilton the Musical. I know this doesn’t need any more explanation, but Gillian has EVERYONE from the Hamilton production on (Lin Manuel himself, sound designers, ensemble members, and more). If you’ve ever wondered about how a broadway production runs OR if you just love Hamilton, definitely check it out.

  5. Directionally Challenged with Candice King & Kayla Ewell- Who else was obsessed with Vampire Diaries? No, this show isn’t about Vampire Diaries, but both hosts used to be part of the cast. They chat about creativity, acting, motherhood, and mental health. The best casual listen.

  6. Katie’s Crib- A Shondaland podcast about being a mom. Katie Lowes, the host, was in the cast of Scandal and Waitress the Musical. She is hilarious, super real about EVERYTHING, and talks about what it’s like to be a woman and a working mom. Highly recommend if being a mom is on your “one day” to-do list.


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